Welcome to my SPGs World

Hello, I’m Sally Patricia
a Life Coach.

For most of my career, I have been a teacher, keynote speaker on health and personal development. This has been a great career and has kept me "Safe" Financially. I began to realize that retirement was looming, and I, wasn’t where I wanted to be in life at my age and so I decided that now is right for decisive action.

So, if you're reading this and thinking, "I've had enough of working for someone else and making them rich, and now is time to enrich myself" then I believe that I can help you make the right choices and avoid all the pitfalls that I fell into when I started out.

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My Work

What I Do

Life Strategy

Feeling stuck, let us figure it out together. Book a strategy meeting today.


Get out of the rat race with a sizeable retirement pot. Let's discuss crypto.


Mentorship is more than just someone to show you the ropes, it's about forging the right part together.

How to get in touch

Drop me a line


Sally Patricia Godwin

Motivational Speaker

Connect with me to discuss the next stage. Let's work together to build.

LinkedIn: Sally Patricia Godwin Email: hello@patriciasgdowin.me